quinta-feira, agosto 26, 2010

Purple Kush.

Purple Kush
from California
100% indica
flowering: 50-60 days
The Purple Kush high is strong a good treatment when it comes to treating chronic pains depression and inflammations, and anxiety.
O Purple Kush é forte e um bom tratamento pra tratar depressão, dor crônica, inflamações, e ansiedade.

Então galehrah, tava com um budzinho bom 
essas semana passada.
não vou mentir, não eh o tijolinho palha do morro naaauum. :}
esse eh da California, tãnãnãã
fumei esse anjo purinho e me senti bem feliz e satisfeita. 
Muito apropriado pra baixar a cabeça na rede com as bróóds.
senti adrenalina e inconstante ao mesmo tempo; quando fumado num "pipe de vidro" (glass bowl)
além de ter bolado um na good old seda fiel de rainbow.
had some purple kush for a few weeks..
smoked the last bud with the girls. It is a beautiful (broccoli looking) bud from Cali that I was very happy with. When smoked out of a bowl, a fruity taste and pure-taste-like-smoke. Patterns seemed to move, giggly laughs, and relaxing thoughts.

with? a glass bowl.
& sweet n happy rolling paper from my buddy Ian;

a delish experience.
until the next.
add us on twitter: http://twitter.com/GreenLibel

sábado, agosto 21, 2010



Mischa Barton
Barton will also be sentenced to a three-month alcohol-education class, and pay a fine of approximately $1,700. In addition, a marijuana possession charge against the actress will be dropped, due to the small amount found. 

Bob Dylan. 

this man is a great american poet, no doubt...  he toked.
Arnold Scwaerssnegraah.
read some of his comments that might just give away why he's on our top stoner list..

"We have to make sure everyone in California has a great job. a Fantastic job!" -on, pot smuggling.
"Don't worry about that." -interviewed on his favorite bob marley song, was too high to remember the 3 little birds lyrics.
"Well there was no sex for 7 days" -talking about a republican woodstock.
"I have inhaled, exhaled everything." on, types of marijuana.
i like the color red because it's a fire. And I see myself as always being on fire". -on, thc.
read the source yourself. :}

Kirsten Dunst
..a stoner! one of the many reasons why she's a favorite of ours.

"I've never been a major smoker, but I think America's view on weed is ridiculous. I mean - are you kidding me? If everyone smoked weed, the world would be a better place. I'm not talking about being stoned all day, though. I think if it's not used properly, it can hamper your creativity and close you up inside." 
"Eu nunca fui uma grande fumante, mas acho que os Estados Unidos vêem a erva é ridículo. Quero dizer - você está brincando comigo? Se todos tivessem fumado erva, o mundo seria um lugar melhor. Eu não estou falando de ser apedrejado todos dia, apesar de tudo. Eu acho que se não for usado adequadamente, pode dificultar a sua criatividade e fazer você se isolar ". read here

Kid Cudi
"The lonely stoner seems to free his mind at night."
INTERVIEW for HIGH TIMES MAGAZINE; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6b19hBWdyo0&feature=related
"Anyone who know about what I do, I'm livin' in my own world. I chill back and I spit thee some love, yeah
Have you ever led an alliance?
A bunch of stoner kids livin' life through defiance"

Twilight Star, Kristen Stewart

CAUGHT! outside of her LA home. 


James Franco
 "and then the smoke converges, creating a TRIFECTA of joint-smoking power. This is it, man. This is what your grandchildren are gonna be smoking. Future. That - future... " Pineapple Express

a great looking guy, a great actor, and a fan of the green.
..Te controla meu.

Marcelo D2
Toking since 1967 from Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.
can't forget about the band he was in; Planet Hemp.
the name it's self and lyrics speaks for itself.
a lot of the music friends our age grew up with in Brazil.
recommend checking out< click their music.
i like a good stretching too. my muscles feel at peace too when i smoke a joint.
soh xapadinha mesmo pra diisss ;)

                        our last favorite stoner...                   ||

brodaa Obama !
como eh que eh mesmo.. YES WE CAN(NABIS) !

have a great weekend.

quinta-feira, agosto 12, 2010


 I feel the feeling I forgot

 In a minute I'll be free 

 I feel no curiosity 
I see the path ahead of me
 In a minute I'll be  f r e e 


sábado, agosto 07, 2010

keyword, green.

    • Marijuana /english
    • Maconha /portugues
    • marihuana /dutch
    • марихуана /bulgarian
    • 大麻 /chinese
    • marijuana /french
    • Marihuana /german
    • מריחואנה /hebrew
    • marijuana /italian
    • 삼 /korean
    • μαριχουάνα /greek
    • marijuana /spanish
    • esrar /turkish
    • กัญชา /thai
    • marihuanë /albanian

    So, let's really look into this. What do people really think about it. From a stoners' point of view, and non toking-human beings. 
    Então, vamos olhar realmente para isso. O que as pessoas realmente pensam sobre esse assunto. De um ponto de vista de quem tem experiencia, e os seres humanos sem.
    Here's some websites and ideas, and some (useful/useless) information, for our dear stoner readers. So we did some research and here's what we came up with.

    Marijuana is far less dangerous than alcohol or tobacco. Around 50,000 people die each year from alcohol poisoning. Similarly, more than 400,000 deaths each year are attributed to tobacco smoking. By comparison, marijuana is nontoxic and cannot cause death by overdose.
    A maconha é muito menos perigoso do que álcool ou tabaco. Cerca de 50 mil pessoas morrem anualmente de intoxicação por álcool. Da mesma forma, mais de 400.000 mortes por ano são atribuídas ao fumo do tabaco. Em comparação, a maconha não é tóxico e não pode causar a morte por overdose.

    ANNUAL AMERICAN DEATHS CAUSED BY DRUGS (Mortes anuais na gringa)

    TOBACCO …………………… 400,000
    ALCOHOL …………………… 100,000
    ALL LEGAL DRUGS ………….20,000
    ALL ILLEGAL DRUGS ……….15,000
    CAFFEINE …………………….2,000
    ASPIRIN ………………………500
    MARIJUANA …………………. 0

    In other words, el verde es bueno?hmm
    Risks: Overdose is not possible. People can get paranoid and anxious. The best treatment for this is generally a reassuring talk from a friend. It is impossible to really understand all the effects of pot, especially the long-term ones, because smoking it releases hundreds of chemicals besides THC, which haven't been fully identified or investigated. Moderate pot smoking can cause short-term memory loss,decreases in attention and concentration, and slowed reflexes. As with tobacco, chronic pot smoking can damage your lungsmouth, and throat. It may alsocompromise memory, cause personality changes, and reduce fertility
    read more rad info here

    I was at work earlier this week and a someone said they get their stuff from legalbud.com, they sayid it's the safest legal way. we went ahead and checked it to see what's so legal about it.  Legalbuds.com is legal. But here's the catch... they don't publish that is it "marijuana" or that it gets you high. Mainly because the FDA does not allowed them too. They say none of their products contain tobacco or nicotine (hmmm, kinda like marijuana..)
    " These herbal smoke legal buds, and natural legal herb do not

     contain tobacco or nicotine so we cannot say do legal buds get

     you high?. Herbal smokes and herbal cigarettes may be hazardous 

    to your health" (legalbuds.com)

    Another thing is they only call their stuff "herbs". hmm kinda
    shady if you as e..
    certain herbs may require caution while operating heavy 

    Is another questionable thing. So, basically this is a cover-up 

    of legalized 
    marijuana for people to openly buy. Although their All Rights 

    Reserved paragraph
     says (not in these words) but not to smoke the "herbs", is says you should brew 
    it as a tea and/or ude it for 

    dietry sustance... but on th

    website there are bongs, pipes, joints, and pipes. so who knows, i didn't know things like this could get past people these days. especially about MARIJUANA, or "legal herbs", whatever this is.

    Sweet Info:
    All forms of marijuana are mind-altering (psychoactive).
    Todas as formas de maconha são de alteração da mente (psico).
     In other words, they change how the brain works. They all contain THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol THATS A BIG FREAKIN WORD), the main active chemical in marijuana. Marijuana’s effects on the user depend on it’s or potency, which is related to the amount of THC it contains. 
    The THC content of marijuana has been increasing since the 1970s. For the year 2006, most marijuana contained, on average, 7 percent THC.

    Q: What does marijuana do to the brain? (O que maconha faz pro cérebro?)A: Some studies show that when people have smoked large amounts of marijuana for years, the drug takes its toll on mental functions. Heavy or daily use of marijuana affects the parts of the brain that control memory, attention, and learning. A working short-term memory is needed to learn and perform tasks that call for more than one or two steps. A new study has revealed that teens and young adults who are heavy users of marijuana are more likely than non-users to have disrupted brain development. i didn't make this up.

    in other words, you will become a fucking retard.
    em outras palavras, se fica sequelado.
    A. se fica chapadããão.


    The World's Top Marijuana Travel Destinations 
    Destinos do mundo, Viagens pra maconha source:CNBC News
    10. Toronto, Canada
    9. Seattle, Washington
    8. Christiania, Denmark
    7. Nimbin, Australia
    6. Portland, Oregon
    5. Barcelona, Spain
    4. Negril, Jamaica:

    3. Oakland, California

    2. Vancouver, Canada:
    1. Amsterdam, Netherlands:

    ***just to let all our readers(and those who come acoress this blog) know, and to be clear: This is not a post encouraging anyone to smoke weed, nor do we have those intentions. We believe we have the freedom to freely speak our minds, our opinions, and our thoughts, without receiving any judgement. Everyone has that freedom and that will. including you. so sit back, sink in this information, and get the inscents out... got anything to say? dont hold it back.
    só para deixar todos os nossos leitores (e aqueles que vêm através deste bloge os fuxiqueros) sabe, e ser claro: Este não é um post  incentivandninguém fuma maconha, nem temos essas intenções. Acreditamos que temos a liberdade para falar livremente nossas mentes, nossas opiniões, e nossos pensamentos, sem receber qualquer julgamento. Todo mundo tem essa liberdade e essa vontade. inclusive você. então he-laax, suja essa informaxion, e ascende um incenso, cuz it's about to get stickyyy...
     angiie, soph, marc, b, jungle man, and the other anonymous yet fertile minds..